ABA Therapy: Personalized Treatment for Autism at Cogniable

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy aims to increase an individual’s independence and overall quality of life. It systematically uses positive rewards & fun to motivate learning. ABA is an evidence based and data-driven approach, ensuring that each child’s programs are tailored to his/her unique needs. It can be provided in many different locations – at home, at school, and in the community.

ABA can directly benefit toddlers, school-aged children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder, developmental disabilities, problem behaviours, tantrums, non-compliance, self-injurious behaviours and more.

ABA enhances skills in:

  • Language & Communication
  • Cognition & Perception
  • Social & Play skills
  • Classroom Group behavior
  • Motor skills
  • Self-help independence
  • And much more

ABA Therapy for Children

The ultimate goal of ABA therapy is to improve socially appropriate behaviors. These behaviors can include academic, social, communication, and daily living skills. ABA can focus on a specific problem, like screaming in the supermarket, or it can work more broadly on a range of developmental areas at the same time, like communication, self care and play skills.

This therapy aims to increase an individual’s independence or overall quality of life. ABA is effective for people of all ages. It can be used from early childhood through adulthood. 

ABA therapy is internationally known for being the most clinically proven intervention for Autism.

  • Over 50 years of clinical proof of effectiveness. Several thousand published research studies have documented the effectiveness of ABA across a wide range of populations,

interventions, settings & behaviors

  • Is FDA approved & officially recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics & the US Surgeon General
  • Systematically uses positive rewards & fun to motivate learning
  • Is an evidence based and data driven approach. It ensures that each child’s programs are tailored to his/her unique needs

ABA therapy can benefit toddlers, school aged children, teens and more with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Problem Behaviors & Tantrums
  • Physical Aggression
  • Self Injurious Behaviors
  • Non compliance
  • And more!

Positive Reinforcement

One of the main strategies used in applied behavior analysis is positive reinforcement. A person is more inclined to repeat a behavior if that behavior is followed by something that he/she values, i.e. a reward. This encourages positive behavior change over time. The ABA therapist will first identify a goal behavior, and each time the child implements that behavior or skill successfully, they are rewarded with something meaningful to them, like a toy or access to a video etc. These positive rewards motivate the child to continue using the skill, leading to meaningful behavior change in the long-term. As the child progresses with therapy, new goals are set from time to time. 

ABC of ABA Therapy

A - Antecedent: This occurs in verbal (command or request) or physical (a toy or object or sound etc.) forms right before the target behavior is implemented. An antecedent may come from the environment, from another person or be internal (such as a thought or feeling).

B - Behavior: The person’s response or lack of response to the antecedent is their resulting behavior. It can be an action, a verbal response, or something else. 

C - Consequence: A consequence occurs directly after the behavior. It can consist of positive reinforcement of the desired behavior, or no reaction for incorrect/inappropriate responses. 

With time, the child makes connections between what is socially acceptable and what isn’t. The goal of ABA therapy is for the child to take these desired behaviors into the real world, with a better understanding of social dos and don’ts. The child is thus better equipped for social situations at school, at events ad with family. 

How is ABA therapy provided?

  • CONSULTATION & ASSESSMENT - Parents should contact an ABA therapy center or consult with a therapist trained in ABA. In addition to asking about their child’s strengths, abilities and weaknesses, the ABA therapist will also spend time directly interacting with the child to observe their communication level, skills, and behavior. Effective ASD treatment looks different for every child. Therefore, ABA therapists may mention specific interventions fitting each child’s needs, along with asking to integrate certain strategies in the child’s home life.
  • DEVELOPING A PROGRAM (IEP) - A formal program for therapy will be created by the therapist based on his/her observations and discussions. These goals generally relate to reducing harmful or problematic behaviors, and increasing/improving communication, social and other age-appropriate skills. Applied behavior analysis aims at keeping everyone who works with the child on the same page, and hence programs might also include specific strategies to be used by teachers, parents and other caregivers of the child.
  • CAREGIVER TRAINING - Desired behaviors can be reinforced outside of therapy by parents and caregivers of the child. An ABA therapist will teach strategies to teachers & family members, along with methods of safely avoid certain less effective reinforcements.
  • FREQUENT EVALUATION - The child’s therapist may adapt their approach based on the child’s responses to certain interventions. The therapist will continue to monitor the child’s progress and analyze which strategies are working best. If required, relevant changes and improvements are made to the existing program based on the child’s needs.

Children are given plenty of opportunities to practice new skills. As they learn skills, more skills are added to their programs. Over time, skills are combined into complex behavior, like having conversations, playing cooperatively with others, or learning by watching others.

Benefits of ABA Therapy 

Applied behavior analysis often results in children:

  • showing more interest in people around them
  • communicating with other people more effectively
  • learning to ask for things they want (a certain toy or food, for example), clearly and specifically
  • having more focus at school
  • reducing or stopping self-harming behaviors
  • having fewer tantrums or other outbursts

ABA Therapy at CogniAble

CogniAble has a team of 30+ ABA therapists across India who provide online, in-center, and in-home ABA services to children with special needs. CogniAble is one of the only ABA providers in India to deploy in-home applied behavior analysis services in several Indian locations like Gurgaon, Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur, Patna etc. Our ABA therapy centers across India are also easily accessible and visited by many families. 

CogniAble’s ABA services are available through:

ABA Therapy


(Across India)

With CogniAble’s monthly app subscription, our clinical team directly and remotely deploys parent training for effectively teaching how to improve behaviours of their child & empowering parents.
The app helps children post-referral with services including assessment, program, four-five hours of personalized training and therapy per month.

ABA Therapy


(In selected Indian cities)

CogniAble’s clinical team of therapists are deployed across Indian cities to provide one-on-one intervention and training services to children in their homes. Our therapists are trained in ABA (With supervision by BCBAs) and similar approaches for evidence-based and data-driven intervention of the children we work with.
Includes 24/7 complimentary access to application subscription for parents.

ABA Therapy


(In selected Indian cities)

CogniAble deploys clinicians from our internal team to the centre of our partners. CogniAble has partnered with several special needs centres in cities like Gurgaon, Bhubaneswar, Rewari, Kolkata, Rohtak, Hissar etc.
CogniAble’s clinicians handle relevant clients at the centre to provide ABA and other services, under the supervision of BCBAs.

Contact us to learn how our services can help you

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